
Over the last few weeks I have been building a new website and have decided to archive this blog. It was started as a way of communicating with my C&G students and with C&G and as I am now no longer teaching these courses I think It is the right time to stop posting here. However I have started a new blog from my website which you can find here


The posts on the new blog will be as often as I have something to say or show but I hope you will have a look at the website which to some extent is still a work in progress, and visit the blog. I’ll still be working as Calicostitch, teaching one-off workshops, but my creative time will be spent developing new work and learning new skills. So watch the blog for information. This blog was fun; fulfilled an administrative need while I was an independent C&G tutor, but was also a way to show some of the wonderful work my students produced. I wish them all luck for their personal creative journeys and look forward to seeing them.